Minolta SRT201 – Fuji Superia 400

Minolta MD 50mm 2.0 Tokina RMC 80-200mm 4.5 I dug this camera out of a box at my favorite camera store. I love a good clearance section, whether it's at a camera store, music store, book store, clothing store. I'm a cheapskate at heart, so finding this

Canon ELAN 7NE – Kodak Portra 800

Canon EF II 50mm 1.8 This is the first roll of Portra 800 I've ever shot, and I want to say from the start that I love it. I had developed some rolls of Portra 400 just before shooting this one, rolls that I had shot

Pentax Spotmatic ES – Fuji Superia 400

Asahi Super-Takumar 55mm f/1.8 This is the second roll I shot on the Pentax ES ("Electro-Spotmatic"), but the first roll was ruined in development. This is also the second Pentax ES I've shot - I bought two bodies and experimented with both, eventually cobbling together a

Canon ELAN 7NE – Ilford HP5

Canon EF II 50mm f/1.8 This was actually the first film roll I had shot in almost two years, the first since moving back to Texas. This was the first roll of black and white I had shot since high school. And in many ways this

Pentax MV – Ilford HP5

Sigma Super-Wide II 24mm f/2.8 I went out and bought this roll of HP5 just so I could develop another roll of HP5 I had already shot (that had been a gift). I use a developing tank that fits two 35mm spools which means I can

Pentax Spotmatic – Fuji Superia 400

Asahi Super-Takumar 55mm f/1.8 This camera isn't mine, but I've been carrying it around for a decade. A former bandmate left it with me when he went to South America after college, and in all that time this is the first roll I've put through it.