Canon EF II 50mm f/1.8
I think some of the allure of film photography is the dynamic range. I think of dynamic range in terms of how much information can live between the darkest dark and the lightest light. And to me the best showcase of this is night photography, where the neon tubes and fluorescent rods and incandescent bulbs blare, screaming white hot, while half of the negative sits entirely black with little to no information. And peppered in are the gradients, the light leaking out in rough textured pools across concrete or brick or plaster. I not only like how this looks but I like how this encourages compositions that wouldn’t exist otherwise. The tricky thing with night photography is how much depends on the built environment. I’m not the type of person to carry around my own lights and set up scenes so I’m shooting whatever happens to be in whatever light there happens to be. It’s a roll of the dice, but that’s part of what I like about it all.
The last few frames were shot to finish off the roll and they are ok but not great. One day I might try rescanning the negatives.
Hit Rate: 15/24 (63%)
September 19, 2021